Brief Summary of Clean Language

Clean Language is a communications methodology, developed by David J Grove, a New Zealand ‘Counselling Psychologist’, during the 1980s and 1990s.  Though initially used in psychotherapy,  Clean Language offers helpful techniques to all professional communicators, especially those working closely with others.

Clean Language is a questioning and discussion technique used especially for discovering, exploring and working with people’s own personal metaphors.

Clean Language techniques are aligned closely with modern ‘enabling’ principles of empathy, and understanding, as against manipulative methods of influence and persuasion and the projection of self-interest.Clean Language helps people to convey their own meaning, free of emotional or other distracting interpretation from others.

Clean Language helps clients to discover and develop symbols and metaphors without any content introduced by the therapist/coach/interviewer.  It promotes better clarity of communications, neutrality and objectivity (absence of emotional ‘spin’, bias and prejudice), ease of understanding, and cooperative productive relationships.

Wendy Sullivan and Judy Rees have come out with a wonderful book on Clean Language.  Here is a brief summary of the book  –> Brief Summary of Clean Language

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